Mistakes Companies Make on Social Media

Many companies are aware of the need to have a social media presence. Almost all companies have social media accounts. But just having a social media account is not enough. There are some things that need to be done and paid attention to. Let's see what these elements are.

Not being active

This is one of the mistakes made by many companies. In general, many companies open a social media account just to have a social media account and are not interested in that account. There are many companies whose last post was weeks or even months ago. This is a very serious mistake.

Customers or potential customers who visit the company's social media account look at the frequency of sharing. If he does not see an active account, he does not want to follow that account. By this means, new followers cannot be gained, and existing followers may stop following the account after a while.

Being on All Platforms

There are many social media platforms. When we think about it, these are facebook, twitter, pintarest, instagram, google+, vine, youtube, linkedin and many more. Again, as in the inactive item, some companies open accounts on all social media platforms and are not active in most of these accounts. However, an inactive social media account does not mean much to people. It even causes loss of prestige. For this reason, it is useful to open enough social media accounts to be interested. Therefore, we can say that it is little, it is essential.

Poor Quality and Careless Sharing

Some companies, on the other hand, make mistakes just to be active when they say not to make the mistake of not being active. At the beginning of these mistakes are poor quality and careless posts. Use of bad images, posts contrary to a simple and corporate structure just to make it funny and arouse sympathy, typographical errors, wrong link insertion and many other mistakes are made. It should not be forgotten that the social media account represents the company, and people have an idea about the company by looking at the posts there. The higher the quality of the shares, the higher the quality of the company. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the shares and to take care to make quality shares.

No Image Added

Visuals are a very important element in social media sharing. So much so that, according to research, the shares that attract the most attention are the ones that have a visual. Even if a very simple announcement will be made, a quality image must be added to the post.

Ignoring the Comments Made

One of the important elements of social media for a company is that people should have the opportunity to express their wishes, thoughts and complaints. There are companies that do not take into account the wishes, thoughts and complaints of a customer on their social media account and leave them unanswered. This situation not only ensures the loss of the customer whose wishes, thoughts and complaints are not taken into account, but also plays a role in the loss of everyone else who sees it.

In the same way, dealing with a request, thought or complaint will cause sympathy for the company by other people who see it, and it will be possible to win that customer.

Not Sharing Important Announcements

The reason for most of those who follow a company's social media account is to be aware of important developments and campaigns about the company. For this reason, neglecting to share important developments and campaigns that customers should know about the company on the social media account suggests that there is no reason for customers to follow that account. In fact, customers who follow the campaigns because they want to be informed but miss the campaign due to not sharing may feel an extra dislike towards the company.


What is more important than having a social media account is good management of that social media account. In this sense, companies should show the necessary sensitivity to their social media accounts, and if possible, they should give this job to people who have developed themselves in this field or to companies that provide services for this. Social media account management should never be seen as something mundane and simple.